Thursday, March 19, 2015

Clan Castle Guide

6:25 AM Posted by Unknown No comments

Clash of Clans Clan Castle Guide: Upgrades, Capacity, and Strategy

The Clan Castle also holds the loot rewards earned from Clan Wars. After a Clan War, your reward is automatically stored in the Clan Castle. It is not transferred into your normal storage structures and available for spending until you select the Clan Castle and select the “collect loot” option.

Clan Castle Upgrade Levels by Town Hall Level

As the Clan Castle increases in level, both its unit capacity and Clan War loot capacity will increase. As a result, it is important to keep your Clan Castle upgraded as you level up your Town Hall.
Note that the Clan Castle’s units can only be given to you via members of your Clan. Clan Castle units are all considered “donations”. One of the primary extrinsic motivators for joining a clan is to be able to receive units from clanmates in the form of donations. Note that donating units provides the donating player with credit towards an achievement along with a small amount of experience points based on the unit donated.
Clan Castle Upgrade Costs and Capacity by Town Hall Level
140,000 Gold1075,00075,000100Immediate3
2100,000 Gold15200,000200,0005006 Hours4
3800,000 Gold20400,000400,0001,0001 Day6
41,800,000 Gold25700,000700,0002,0002 Days8
55,000,000 Gold301,000,0001,000,0005,0007 Days9
67,000,000 Gold351,500,0001,500,00010,00014 Days10

Clan Castle Strategy

The Clan Castle is one of your best defensive structures (if not the best defensive structure), but only when used appropriately. Below we will discuss the types of units you should try to get in your Clan Castle, where to place your Clan Castle, and the relative importance of upgrading your Clan Castle in comparison to other structures.
Unit Choices
The Clan Castle is only as good as the units inside of it. Of utmost importance is to always keep your Clan Castle stocked with units, particularly if you are holding a lot of resources. A fully-loaded Clan Castle can literally be the difference between losing nothing and losing everything in an enemy raid.
For the purpose of cheap defensive units, Archers are the best bet. They are moderately effective due to their ability to shoot over walls. They also have solid DPS, making them good Clan Castle units. The biggest weakness of the Archer is that they are easily taken out by a Lightning Spell. Archers are also very weak when lured away from the base.
If you are in a clan that is willing to donate more expensive units or if you have an alt account, there are better options than the Archer. In particular, Wizards as well as the Dragon make some of the best Clan Castle units. Wizards deal great damage (and deal area of effect damage), while Dragons also deal area of effect damage, are flying units, and are difficult to kill (a Lightning Spell is not going to cut it).
Note that the Clan Castle can also be used for offensive purposes, especially for war battles. Trading powerful offensive units with clanmates or passing them along from an alt account can improve the strength of an attack significantly. One player donating a Golem (if high enough level), Hog Riders, Balloons, or a Dragon can significantly improve the strength of your attack.
Clan Castle Placement
Clan Castle placement is not terribly important before Town Hall 7. At Town Hall 7 and beyond, placement becomes very important. Players tend to neutralize the Clan Castle’s units by using a unit or two to pull the units out, then drawing these units to the corner of the base where these units are then summarily destroyed with little loss. At Town Hall 7 and beyond, players have enough buildings where it can be made difficult to lure out Clan Castle units.
In order to prevent Clan Castle units from being lured out, the Clan Castle must be placed in the center of the base. You can see the Clan Castle’s trigger range by selecting the Clan Castle and viewing the white circle. Make sure there is no drop zone within the white circle, and try to place buildings along the perimeter of this white circle to prevent enemy units from easily triggering your Clan Castle units.
Clan Castle Upgrade Priority
The Clan Castle should be considered amongst your higher upgrade priorities. Increasing its capacity will significantly improve your defensive strength. However, it is not your number one upgrade. It is usually a better use of builders to grab brand new structures and buildings while focusing upgrades on the Laboratory. Imagine the Clan Castle as the strongest defensive tower; it should be upgraded first before you upgrade any other old towers, but upgrading other structures and setting up an appropriate base layout for your new Town Hall level takes precedence.

Use Your Gems

6:19 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
This is Guide to use Your Gems Clash On Clans

Given that gems are not unlimited nor free, players need to take care to spend them in the most efficient way possible. This guide will focus on that exact topic.

The #1 Use for Gems: Builder’s Huts

Without a doubt, the best use for your first few thousand gems will be Builder’s Huts. Each Builder’s Hut provides the player with one additional “Builder”, which can then be used to build and upgrade structures for the player’s base. Each structure under construction or being upgraded requires a builder. The more Builder’s Huts you have, the more buildings you can upgrade or build at the same time. Each additional builder significantly improves your upgrade speed.
Builder’s Huts can only be bought with gems. There is a limit of 5 total huts, and each hut becomes more expensive than the previous hut. Here are the costs:
  • Builder Hut #1: No Cost
  • Builder Hut #2: 250 Gems
  • Builder Hut #3: 500 Gems
  • Builder Hut #4: 1000 Gems
  • Builder Hut #5: 2000 Gems
If you want to buy gems to speed along your upgrades, be sure you are using them on Builder’s Huts. If you do not want to spend money, rest assured – you can eventually unlock all 5 builder slots by completing achievements and saving gems from debris clearing.

Best Use for Gems After Builder’s Huts

Even if you never buy gems, eventually you will be able to collect the 3,250 additional gems required to unlock all 5 Builder’s Huts (each new account starts with 500 free gems). Whether you buy gems at this point or begin to acquire them for free by clearing debris, gem boxes, and unlocking new achievements, it is important to understand how to best spend these gems to advance your base.
All gem-spending activities are not created equal. Some are clearly much better than others. I believe the most efficient means for increasing speeding along base upgrades results in boosting the Barracks. Boosting each Barracks only costs 10 gems and lasts for 2 hours. This effect causes the Barracks to produce units at 4 times the normal speed. If you boost 2-4 Barracks (depending on army composition), you can practically raid non-stop for 2 hours, netting 2x-4x the loot you normally would from farming for that length of time without the boost.
With a boosted Barracks, it is often most efficient to just use fast-producing armies so that you can raid non-stop for 2 hours. Creating Barbarian and Archer armies works great for this purpose. With 1-2 boosted Barracks, you can literally raid every 5 minutes and skip around for bases with full collectors. While not great for Dark Elixir farming, you can farm well over 1,000,000 Gold and Elixir per hour in this manner.
If you have a lot of gems and do not care so much about the gems as you do maximizing returns, it may be useful to also boost the Spell Factory or even your Heroes. I do not think that boosting these buildings is nearly as efficient as boosting the Barracks, but it can be useful for coring deep into enemy bases in search of Dark Elixir or trophies (at the very high level).
Moderately Efficient Gem Usage Strategies
While not quite as efficient as the boost mechanism, using gems to instantly complete units via the Barracks is not terribly expensive. This is useful if you do not have 2 hours to play and need instant resources. Rather than buying resources directly, you can instantly complete a few raids worth of armies and raid for the last bit of resources you need to start a crucial upgrade or building.
If you want a passive way to use gems effectively, consider boosting your Dark Elixir Drills. This tends to be fairly expensive (20 gems for a level 4 drill), but a high-level drill under the effect of a boost will produce a large amount of Dark Elixir. Boosting the Dark Elixir Drill is much cheaper than trying to buy Dark Elixir directly via gems. Boosting gold mines and elixir collectors is generally a waste of gems as it costs too many gems for how much gold and elixir you get in return. You will end up with a much larger return by using those gems to produce units and then raiding for loot rather than by boosting gold mines and elixir collectors.
Consider this: it costs 11 gems to boost a level 11 Gold Mine for 24 hours. This will result in 72,000 extra gold collected over 24 hours (some of which will be inevitably lost in a raid). Meanwhile, a single boosted Barracks could result in several extra raids over a 2 hour period, which could easily add 500,000 gold to a player’s coffers. In comparison, it costs 20 gems to boost a level 4 Dark Elixir Drill for 24 hours. This will result in an extra 1,440 Dark Elixir gathered over 24 hours (some of which will be inevitably lost to raiding). Boosting two Barracks will likely result in more Dark Elixir gain than this in the hands of a skilled player, but probably not much more than would be earned by boosting the drill.
Using gems to finish a building’s completion is usually a waste. The only exception is if there is less than 30 minutes left on the building’s timer, you are ready to go to sleep at night, and you have enough resources to start another upgrade. It is worth spending a handful of gems to ensure that your builder does not go inactive for the next 8+ hours while you are asleep or away from the game.
The Absolute Worst Use for Gems
The worst use for gems is the purchase of resources of any type. In order to decrease the power of real-life money in Clash of Clans, purchasing resources costs an exorbitant amount of gems – expect to spend hundreds of gems for a measly amount of resources that could be achieved in just 1-2 raids.
If you need instant resources, it is much more efficient to simply use the “Complete Now” feature on the Barracks. You can build a fully maxed army in no time for just 5-30 gems (depending on level and unit choice) and then go on a raid. You can do this 2-3 times in a row and get a large amount of resources in a short period of time without needing to spend 500+ gems.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Archer Queen

11:26 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
She is deadly accurate! She wields an X-Bow! She has great fashion sense!

The Archer Queen is believed to be an Archer consuming Dark Elixir and became bigger. She is strong enough to carry an X-Bow, also wearing tiara as a queen.

  • Summary
    • The Archer Queen Altar is basically a Barracks/Army Camp/Laboratory for the Archer Queen. When she isn't engaging in a battle, the Archer Queen can be seen pacing around her altar or sleeping on top of it to regenerate health.
    • If you wish to see the Archer Queen's targeting range, tap either on her or on her Altar.
    • You need a free Builder and at least 40,000 Dark Elixir to build the Altar.

  • Trivia
    • Added with the 10th January 2013 hero update. 
    • There is no upgrade Difference between levels, its just the Archer Queen that changes.
    • There are a few arrows sticking out of the Altar, along with a target leaning against the corner of it.
    • The builder has his own animation for upgrading the Barbarian King's and Archer Queen's altars. He forms some gold in a furnace near the altar, and hits it with his hammer on an anvil, despite it being made of stone.
    • The Altar itself can be destroyed with one Lightning Spell of any level.
    • The Altar itself can be destroyed with one Lightning Spell of any level.
Cost Dark elixirBuild TimeHitpointsUnlocked UnitSizeTown Hall Level Required
40,000None250Archer Queen3x39

Barbarian King

11:17 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
"The Barbarian King is the toughest and meanest barbarian in all the realm, whose appetite for Dark Elixir has caused him to grow to a giant size. He can attack enemy villages or guard your village."
  • Summary
    • The Barbarian King is bigger than a Giant and toughest of all Barbarians! Create him out of Dark Elixir and let him loose on an enemy village!
    • The Barbarian King is an immortal unit, so he only has to be trained once. However, if he falls in battle he must regenerate his health by putting him to sleep before he can be used again. Also, when you attack a Barbarian King while it's still recharging, their altar will be empty.
    • The Barbarian King can be unlocked from the Barbarian King Altar, which costs 10,000 Dark Elixir.

  • Offensive Strategy
    • When attacking, he can be deployed just like any other troop. When his health is lowered he must sleep to recharge before he can be used again.
    • He is best used with Healer and Archer support.
  • Defensive Strategy
    • The Barbarian King can be set to sleep or to defend your base.
    • Though he is very strong on offense he only goes for one unit on defense which makes him easy to kill.
    • it is a good idea to place the alter by/ in the middle of a group of storages

  • Trivia
    • Added with the Hero Update on 10th January 2013.
    • The heroes' upgrade cost and damage against walls was changed in an update.
    • The heroes' healing time was changed in the same update.
    • The King can be healed by healing spell or healer while battling at 50% rate of normal troop.
    • Every slash he makes on a building or a unit creates a mini explosion.
    • Upgrading the Barbarian King Level requires a builder.
    • When you tap on him he will yell and stand still for a moment.
    • Tap on the Barbarian King, not his altar, to view his attack radius as the Barbarian King "patrols" his area moving constantly.
    • When he 'falls' in battle, an explosion occurs and a bright beam of light is sent up into the sky temporarily. He is then seen standing dazed.
    • When the Barbarian King is being upgrading you can't use him on the battlefield.
    • Even if the Barbarian King only sustains one damage from a battle, he must heal for the same amount of time it takes to heal if he falls in battle.

Preferred TargetAttack TypeMovement SpeedAttack SpeedRangeSearch Radius
AnyGround161.2s1 Tile13 Tiles
LevelDamage per SecondDamage per HitHitpointsRegeneration TimeTraining Cost Dark elixir.pngTraining TimeTown Hall Level Required
21561871,5601h 6m12,50012h7
31621941,6221h 12m15,0001d7
41692031,6871h 18m17,5001d 12h7
51752101,7551h 24m20,0002d7
61822181,8251h 30m22,5002d 12h8
71902281,8981h 36m25,0003d8
81972361,9741h 42m30,0003d 12h8
92052462,0531h 48m35,0004d8
102132552,1351h 54m40,0004d 12h8
112222662,2202h 0m45,0005d9
122312772,3092h 6m50,0005d 12h9
132402882,4022h 12m55,0006d9
142503002,4982h 18m60,0006d 12h9
152603122,5982h 24m65,0007d9
162703242,7012h 30m70,0007d 12h9
172813372,8092h 36m75,0008d9
182923502,9222h 42m80,0008d 12h9
193043653,0392h 48m85,0009d9
203163793,1602h 54m90,0009d 12h9
213293953,2873h 0m100,00010d9
223424103,4183h 6m110,00010d 12h9
233554263,5553h 12m120,00011d9
243704443,6973h 18m130,00011d 12h9
253844613,8453h 24m140,00012d9
264004803,9993h 30m150,00012d 12h9
274164994,1593h 36m160,00013d9
284335194,3253h 42m170,00013d 12h9
294505404,4983h 48m180,00014d9
304685624,6783h 54m190,00014d 12h9